Наука — Школе |
The English version of the book (last update 2014-10-05, 2.3M):
This version incorporates corrections and authorized modifications introduced in the Russian translation.
Program examples are available at http://zinnamturm.eu/downloadsAC.htm#ADen
The book is also available from N.Wirth's pages at ETH (a less recent version perhaps):
(uncorrected original, 2004).
To read the sources and run the programs, one needs the BlackBox Component Builder (an Oberon derivative) freely available from http://www.oberon.ch/blackbox.html
BlackBox runs under MS Windows and Linux+Wine.
After installing BlackBox, unpack the above package into the BlackBox folder (so that ADen and i21sys subfolders appear along with Com, Comm, Ctl ... BlackBox.exe ...).
Run BlackBox.exe, open the file ADen/Docu/Sys-Map and read instructions.
The Russian page: link.
Fyodor Tkachov
Наука — Школе |